附中文食譜 |
For quick step-by-step instructions in Cantonese for making this dish, check out this video! I recently had the opportunity to work with Bosch at their flagship showroom in Central, Hong Kong - making it my second time to ever speak in front of a camera! A great big thank you to Bosch for this precious opportunity.
140g Hoki fillet (or any other white fish)
2-3 stalks lemongrass
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 inch ginger, minced
1 bird's eye chilli, deseeded and minced
1/8 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 small lime, cut into wedges for juice and garnish
Prepare the spice mixture: Trim the green ends and the base of the lemongrass stalks and peel away the tough outer layers. Using a pestle or the blunt side of a knife, bruise the stalks to release the flavor then slice into thin rings. In a small bowl, mix together the lemongrass, garlic, ginger, chili, and turmeric. Add a squeeze of lime then, using a pestle, pound the mixture until fragrant and combined.
1. Preheat oven to 180C/350F.
Take a sheet of parchment paper roughly 15 inches in length, scatter vegetables (if using) across its width, season with salt and pepper. Lay the fish fillet on top, leaving enough paper overlapping to seal in the fish.
2. Top the fish with the spice mixture and lightly season with salt and pepper. Fold the parchment paper over and roll the edges in tightly into an air-tight parcel. Bake for 13-15 minutes, depending on the thickness of the fish.
3. Unwrap the parcel and garnish fish with some coriander, mint, and a lime wedge. Enjoy!
只需 15 分鐘烹調時間、健康有營、低鹽無油,
新西蘭鱈魚柳 140 克
香茅 2-3 枝
蒜頭 2 瓣
薑 半 寸
指天椒 1 隻
黃薑粉 1/8 茶匙
青檸 1 隻(切角)
1. 首先將香茅青色部分及根部約 1 公分切除,脫除乾硬的外葉。在針板上用研磨棒捶打香茅數下至軟身,然後把香茅剁碎。
2. 蒜瓣和薑剁碎、指天椒去籽剁碎。放到碗中跟香茅拌勻。
3. 加入黃薑粉和少量青檬汁,然後用研磨棒舂至完全混合。
4. 預熱焗爐至 180C。魚柳洗淨,用吸水紙印乾。
5. 準備一張約 15 寸長的牛油紙,對摺後攤開。
6. 把魚柳放在摺痕其中一旁,鋪上香料後撒上少量鹽和胡椒。
7. 把牛油紙對摺,將邊緣捲好,成為一個密封的包裹。
7. 將包裹放入焗爐焗 13-15 分鐘。取出後打開,隨意拌上青檸角、芫茜、薄荷葉等即成!
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