Friday, November 30, 2018

KitchenAid: #CapturingTaste 美食造型及攝影企劃

一道佳餚除了需要味道上乘,香氣滿溢,創意悅目的賣相、 裝飾和佈置都能令一道佳餚更加完滿,色香味俱全。』

KitchenAid 今次聯乘SONY製作是次企劃,令更多人可以發揮烹飪創意,懂得透過 鏡頭,捕捉每位城中名廚、FoodStylist 及每道美饌最美麗動人一刻; 更可以聚首 一堂分享感動五官的美食體驗,一起迎接詭異萬聖節和普天同慶的燦爛聖誕!

In their latest campaign #CapturingTaste, KitchenAid partners up with SONY and brings together six talented local chefs and food stylists in a series of food photography and styling workshops, featuring half a dozen designs celebrating the spirit of Halloween and Christmas. Through the workshops we share the tricks of the trade and celebrate the power of food styling in elevating the sensory experience of delicious food to the next level.
#CapturingTaste: Halloween and Christmas inspired creations by six talented chefs!

In the kick-off event the star-studded lineup of chefs showcased their individual creativity and talents in a burst of vibrant colors, with spooky orange and black dominating the Halloween section of the showroom and an enchanting, sparkly melange of white, red and green on the other. Participants got to play hands-on in decorating their own dish with the guidance of respective chefs and practice photo shooting with a SONY camera. This event will be followed by subsequent workshops where chefs will partner up in teams of two and allow for an even more intimate and personalized setting for participants to interact and put their creativity and skills to the test!

『單看 Alvin 這一道「南式生死戀」造型會覺得有點詭異,但其實他是暖男廚師一名!本身任職空中服務員的 Alvin 特別為設計和烹調這道菜,過去一個月每飛到不同地方的時候,都會花時間去搜購不同品種的南瓜,加上創新構思以一種食材變化出兩種食法和味道,配以一個史詩式名字,心思度滿分呀!』    — KitchenAid Ideas

Click below for the recipe and the story behind!
Trick or Treat, Heat or Sweet: Halloween Stuffed Pumpkin Duo | 萬聖「南」式生死戀 

[Follow me on Instagram @alvinckl and @alvin.penthousekitchen and check out my Facebook Fan Page!]