附中文食譜 |
Use either red "awase" or the sweeter white "shiro" miso, or a mix of both |
Watch as the miso glaze bubbles and caramelizes under the broiler... absolutely tantalizing! |
An inexpensive, simple dish that makes use of everyday Japanese seasonings |
What you'll need...
2 small eggplants, or 1 Chinese eggplant
Cooking oil
2 tablespoons water
Chopped scallions, for garnish
Sesame seeds, for garnish
For the miso glaze:
3 tablespoons miso paste
1 tablespoon white, brown, or coconut sugar
1 tablespoon mirin
1 tablespoon sake
1. Prepare the miso glaze by whisking together the ingredients.
2. Slice eggplant in half lengthwise and score the flesh with a knife. In a non-stick pan over medium high heat, add oil (I like to use a pastry brush directly on the eggplants for a more even coating) and cook the eggplants flesh-side down. Once browned, flip the eggplants over and cook until begin to soften. Tip in water and cook covered on high heat till the water cooks off, about one minute.
3. Transfer eggplants to a lined baking tray flesh side up, brush evenly with miso glaze, and place in the oven with the broiler function on. Grill for 8-10 minutes, until the miso glaze caramelizes. Remove from oven, garnish with sesame seeds and chopped scallions, and you're done!
【 日式茄子味噌田樂燒 】
茄子 2 小隻
味噌 3 湯匙
砂糖或紅糖 1 湯匙
味醂 1 湯匙
清酒 1 湯匙
油 適量
水 2 湯匙
蔥花 適量
芝麻 適量
1. 把味噌、糖、味醂和清酒拌勻備用。
2. 茄子對邊切開,用小刀𠝹十字面,讓醬汁更輕易入味。
3. 燒熱易潔鍋,下油並以中高火煎香茄子至輕微焦香。
4. 把茄子反轉,繼續煎數分鐘。
5. 加入 2 湯匙水,蓋上鍋蓋煮至水份完全蒸發,約一分鐘。
6. 把茄子放在鋪好烘培紙的烘盤上,塗上味噌醬汁,再放入焗爐以上層發熱線烤焗 8 - 10 分鐘至茄子軟稔、醬汁輕微烤焦。最後,撒上芝麻和蔥花,完成!
簡易和風午餐:味噌燒茄子、明太子意大利粉、麻醬冷豆腐和田園沙律! |